Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

This Thanksgiving we spent with my family. Its been 4 years since we've had Thanksgiving day with my family and I was really looking forward to it. It was a small group this year since Tara and Aaron are in Virgina,Scott and his family are in Utah, and Mike and his family made a trip up to see Scott and Christie. Even though they were missed we had a great time. The kids played all evening and the adults just got to visit. Dinner was great (although pati-sues stuffing was greatly missed)and the table looked beautiful. Thanks Mom!
I got to do a first this year. I was incharge of bringing pie, and usually I would just go and buy it, but instead I learned how to make a homemade apple pie. I've always wanted to learn but did'nt really know anyone who made them. Fortunatly, two of my friends also had to bring pies to their dinners and insisted from scratch was the only way to do it. We all got together on Wednesday evening and baked away. It was really fun and I found out that I'm pretty good at getting the pie crust into the pie plate. It was the yummiest apple pie. I will definately do it again. Thanks Meleah and Melissa.


Maosi Fam said...

umm hello your not suppose to have fun without me there!!!! LOL JK glad you guys had a fun was a whole new world for us being away from everyone and not having all the usually faces and having a huge extended table that we always have with like 35 people sitting around it...aww now im sad i missed it hhahaha

Maosi Fam said...

oh yeah the whole point of the fun...i want to learn how to make a pie from scratch...teach me teach me teach me!!!!!!!!!!!! call me and walk me through step by step as i do it hahahhaahhaha that is something i would make you do i must admit LOL

ps///i miss our late night runs to walmart and hanging out at your hosue till 2 am for no reason while drew sleeps on the couch even though we are laughing and talking right next to him hahah

pps///hurry uo and come visit me gosh!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am very impressed with your baking skills. Nice work. Glad you guys had a pleasant Thanksgiving.

pati-Sue said...

Thanks for the compliment, and thanks for saving us pieces of the delicious pie. You did Good!
Love ya pati-Sue

Trena said...

That's awesome you made pies! I'm always too afraid to make the crust (Aaron does it) but I can make a mean filling! They look beautiful!

A Rosie Family said...

They look delish and I'm sure they were super yummy! Good for you for going for it!