Monday, November 17, 2008

Be more concerned what God thinks about you than what people think about you

Never have these words been more true in my life than right now. On Thurs. as word was being passed that our ward building was to be protested my first thought was I've got to have my camera for this, Second thought was I hope it's peaceful, third was I hope the kids don't get scared, and fourth (although I hate to admit it) I hope I don't run into someone I know. But as Sat. and Sun. approached my worries of running into someone I knew were gone. I remember as a youth being taught that as a member of the church we are called to stand out not to blend in. To stand up for what we believe in and not follow the crowd. As a teenager I just thought of it as having to living the gospel standards but now I understand that it means stand up and speak out for what is right.
Here are some pictures from the protest.

This is about 10:30am when it started.

Here's a few of the signs. The protest stayed peaceful and quiet except for some minor name calling. One of the protesters twisted his ankle while walking and some of our Priesthood went over to make sure he was alright. of course that nice act will never be reported.
This was one of our favorite signs of the day.
And yes it says Mormons: Americas Taliban. This was the first time I had seen this one.
And of course the Long Beach police dept. was stationed at each corner of the church along with some on bikes. Luckily they just got to sit and watch since there were no incidences.
10th ward is always interesting, exciting, and unpredictable.


Unknown said...

"10th ward is always interesting, exciting, and unpredictable."
Why, yes it is. I'm glad the protest was peaceful. I wish this whole thing would just go away. I'm not even there and it stresses me out with all the contention and anger.

pati-Sue said...

I'm so glad you are blogging again!
This protest thing is so Irritating. They should have thought of all this before the voting occurred. I think this is a battle we will fight for a long time. We had a few protesters at Los Al. Ward, too. It's not fun.
We absolutely need to stand for our convictions.

Maosi Fam said...

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Retarded!!! seriously they need tog et a life!!!!! ill leave it at that, you already have heard what i ahve to say and who knows they are all crazy they could be stalking all "mormon" blogs now and dont want to get them even more mad!!! hahahahahahahaha but man i wish i was there to see it myself LOL!!!!