Saturday, March 15, 2008


I saw this test on Jodees blog and my sister encouraged me to give it a try. Most of you know this is not my specialty. Before blogging I was a 2 finger typer but in the last 7 months of blogging I have progressed to 5 fingers ( 2 on the left and 3 on the right). My score may not be great but I will keep trying till I can use all 10 fingers and get an average persons score. This is a sad post but what's worse, it's true. Take the test yourself and let me know how fast you are. Go for it! You can't possibly be any worse than me. P.S. What is an average persons score anyway?

22 words

Speed test


Anonymous said...

I got 46 words per minute without knowing what to really do and when to start. The clock started and 8 seconds later I realized that I needed to be typing. Oops.

Melissa said...

I love that you took this test and are going to keep taking this test until you can do all ten fingers! Awesome...I type 69 words per minute!

Maosi Fam said...

lol that was so funny last night!!!!! imstill laughing...all 3 of us taking typing tests at 1:30 in the morning haha fun times!!!!! oh yeah and making videos that people shouldnt see hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Amy-Sue and Gian Del Bello said...

I am not going to post how many wpm I got to save you from embarrassment...You are on your way to becoming the best hunt-n-pecker I know!!! Type on...

Dee said...

Hi Tiff,
I just did the typing test and I only got 50 wpm. No errors though! I need to practice more. I was a lot better in high school.
Course, that was 38 years ago!!!!!
Love ya,

Dee said...

Dad got 40 wpm. Not too happy with himself!

Braden and Jodee said...

I think average is like 40 or 50?? Not sure... but that is on a lot of job requirements so... Good job! keep it up :)

Kristin said...

So fun that you found our blog. Stop in any time to see what we'e up to--I'll do the same w/yours. I had fun catching up on your family just now. It's amazing how much they've grown since we left the ward almost 5 years ago. I think blogs are a really fun way to keep in touch w/people. The typing test was fun, too. Hadn't taken one in about 10 years.

Trena said...

I too, love that you took a typing test! Keep up the good work! I took a computer typing class in high school and that helped me alot. I typed 71 wpm.

Dee said...

Hi Tiff,
I'm getting better a little at a time. This time it was 53 wpm and no errors. Yeah!!!!!
Love ya,

Totally Hess said...

Obviously you must not have taken typing class in junior high!