Sunday, March 30, 2008

Basketball Season is Over

Tonight was Camryns basketball banquet. All the basketball teams from Whaley Park got together this evening for a pot luck dinner and awards.

Camryn recieved a certificate of participation and got a Trophy for Amazing Athlete.

Now we just have to get through the rest of baseball season and Hudsons spring Soccer


Anonymous said...
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Cari said...

Drew! This is Cari (Peterson) Houghton. I found your blog through Craig and Cricket's blogs. It's so fun to see you and your cute family! It's weird to think we all have families and are grown ups now. Anyway...
I just have one thing to say for old times sake...
Mahana you ugly! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Camryn! See you tomorrow.

Amy-Sue and Gian Del Bello said...

Thanks for playing basketball with Sabrina...She had so much fun!!! You rocked that gym...Awesome Athlete!!!

pati-Sue said...

Camryn...Keep up the good work. You and Sabrina were an awesome duo on the basketball court. Play and practice what you love...It brings rewards and happiness.
Love ya Nana